Highway maintenance and ice road building
Our company is proud to provide clients with a vast amount of experience in the maintenance areas both on road and off. We specialize in the following areas of maintenance:
- Cracksealing and pothole repair – we are able to provide signage, traffic control and all equipment and materials to crackseal paved roads and airports.

- Snow removal– we have several types of specialized equipment that allow us to remove snow and sand bridge decks, roads, off road accesses (ie: lease accesses).

- Sweeping

- Ice road building

Lakeland has been actively involved in reclamation for over 10 years. We currently have experience in the following aspects of reclamation:

- Waste/debris removal

- Decompaction

- Re-contouring

- Redistrubition/removal of soil, gravel and mulch

- Harrowing and seeding

- Erosion control (installation of coco matting, bales, rip rap channels and silt fencing)

- Snow fence installation/removal
- Pipeline crossing removal

- Approach removal

- Spill cleanup

- Hydro-seeding

- Demolition
- Pipeline crossing and access matting – vast experience building, maintaining and removing low pressure utility crossings and access solutions (matting).

Vegetation Control
Lakeland Vegetation’s management team has an extensive background in integrated vegetation management. We are able to provide all facets of vegetation management to address your vegetation concerns in a way that is cost and environmentally effective. We are able to achieve excellent vegetation control via the following methods:
- Chemical vegetation control

We have several staff members qualified as certified industrial pesticide applicators. We can tailor a spraying program to best suit your needs based on environmental sensitivities, public interaction, weed species/woody vegetation, terrain suitability and location. Lakeland Vegetation also ensures that quality assurance is verified after the work in completed so that the client is pleased with the results. We also specialize in communication with adjacent land owners and governing bodies (ie: counties, municipal districts, cities, etc.) to ensure that work is completed effectively with everyone’s common interest in mind. In certain instances we can also provide hand picking of weedy species.
- Mowing

We offer several types and sizes of equipment capable of mowing vegetation in various areas which include yard sites, oilfield locations, highway right of ways and utility right of ways. In areas of poor accessibility we also offer hand trimming.
- Mechanical vegetation removal

Equipment Maintenance, Repairs and Inspections
Lakeland is a fully licensed facility capable of repairing, maintaining and inspecting most commercial vehicles and equipment. Our repair facility is headed by Richard Ireland, who has over 20 years of experience.